Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage

What for?

Muscle tension, muscle soreness, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, broken sleep

Duration and Pricing


60 mins | £45

What IS IT?

Therapeutic massage is a holistic healing practice that combines various manual techniques to alleviate physical muscle tension, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. I use a variety of techniques to manipulate soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and fascia. More importantly the techniques and pressure are chosen specifically for each individual client’s needs and preferences.


Physically, therapeutic massage enhances blood circulation, helping to oxygenate cells and remove toxins from the body. This, in turn, can reduce muscle tension and discomfort in the body. Therapeutic massage also improves lymphatic drainage helping your system to stay in balance.

Regular massage has been medically proven to increase dopamine production and consequently reduce levels of stress and anxiety.

Therapeutic massage is aimed to improve overall wellbeing.

This service is also available as a HOME TREATMENT with pricing upon request.

* PLEASE NOTE! This is a professional healthcare service. I maintain a zero-tolerance policy for ANY form of sexual harassment. Any potential case will be immediately reported to the police.

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